5 Ways To Be A Simple Survivor Who Brings Happiness

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Minimalism lifestyle is becoming more and more popular and becoming a trend today. Because many people are feeling happy when their life is minimalist, perhaps because of the core values that this lifestyle brings as well as the needs of our people always towards happiness, That’s why Minimalism is always interested in everyone.


I was lucky enough to learn about Minimalism through the book “Japanese Minimalist Lifestyle” and started to learn about it. I realized that this is the lifestyle that everyone should choose and follow. We should cut out the unnecessary things to focus on what we think is most important.

1. Understand the definition What is minimalism?

“Minimalism is not about what you own, it’s about why you own it.” – Brian Gardner That is, Minimalism is not what you own, but why you own it.


Many people assume that minimalists are people who only own a few shirts, a pair of socks and somehow manage to make it through all the seasons. A minimalist way of living is about bringing value into your own life. The fact that you have 5 shirts because you really like them and the fact that you have 15 shirts because that’s how you love fashion and it expresses your style, values and who you are. Then both are minimalist.

As long as everything you own provides you with value, and you feel good and truly happy because of it. You gradually get rid of the unnecessary and focus on what you think is most important. Then congratulations, you are gradually becoming minimalist.

As a minimalist, you want to make your home layout as simple as possible, refer to how to decorate a simple but still luxurious home office.

2. Why do you aspire to be a minimalist?

Is it because you realize that even though you have a closet full of beautiful, trendy clothes, you have a dressing table full of skincare and makeup items, you have all the accessories stored up every year. But in the end you don’t feel happy.


You gradually feel like a waste of your own time when you have to constantly spend time thinking about what to buy tomorrow to keep up with this year’s trend, or spend useless time on organizing and cleaning the closet, old items even though you have never worn them once.

Whatever the reason, answering why you want to start a minimalist lifestyle will help you understand your best friend’s current situation and maintain this lifestyle for the long term.

Smart shoe cabinet, smart minimalist design and neat and easy to see suitable for all styles.

3. The great benefits of being a minimalist

As a first step in the japanese minimalist style, you just need to get rid of objects that you find no value in. Take small steps. Even by removing small items, negative thoughts every day will keep you motivated and lead to great results.


Or you can remove everything at once. As long as you feel happy and better every day.

So what’s the key to getting started? There are many tips for a minimalist lifestyle. I will show you a few Youtube channels about lifestyle that will help you a lot on your own minimalist journey:


Rachel Aust


Madeleine Olivia

3.1. Reduce stress, fatigue

If you need to rest after a tiring, stressful day at work, the minimalist room is a place where you can relax. Conversely, if things are messy, the amount of information from the senses will increase to the brain and the mind will not be able to relax. The minimalist room will make it easy to see where the items are located. You will feel that life is lighter and easier.

3.2. Cost savings

Minimalists only buy what they really need, when they think they need it, and only when they need it. The advantage of a minimalist lifestyle is that it does not cost a lot of living expenses.

3.3. Have plenty of time to interact with people around you

In the 4.0 era, interacting with people is gradually forgotten, smart electronic devices are increasingly taking the throne to kill the time and real life of young people. But minimalists have improved relationships because they spend more energy interacting with people around them.

3.4. Focus on your life

Life is full of worries about rice, shirts, rice, money. Living minimally the joy and happiness will make life lighter and more relaxed. You will easily find laughter from the little things in life, peace of mind and live happier.

4. What to do if you live with a non-minimalist:‘Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like” – Will Rogers

Many people spend the money they earn to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like.

Sometimes we get discouraged when we are living minimalist and doing it very well. However, our roommates are not minimalists and constantly buying new items (in our view) is unnecessary. And gradually they are cluttering up our space. Then stop caring about them!

You just need to really care and focus on your own journey. Also don’t judge others when they don’t share your outlook on life. Accept them and enjoy your differences.

5. How do I start living a minimalist life?

Minimalism is a journey. We are constantly buying new items such as travel suitcases, new clothes, relationships are also gradually changing. That’s the law of life. Therefore, do not think of the minimalist lifestyle as the final destination, or you look forward to the day when you find yourself achieving it.

Minimalism is a lifestyle in which you improve and develop yourself every day. And most importantly, you’re okay with that.

5.1 Training to live for the present

Our biggest challenge right now is changing our ability to live if you can’t focus on what’s happening in front of you. I advise you to keep thinking about what we can and should do at the present time. We must train ourselves to be the center of the present by giving time and complete attention to the action that is happening in front of us. Or you can do meditation, yoga, walking or activities that help you calm your mind, then your mind will stay in one place and enjoy life as it is.

5.2 Reduce time on the Internet to rest

In the 4.0 era, it is no stranger for people to use the Internet, able to connect around the world. It can be said that the Internet is an ecosystem that never sleeps, it is always updated with the latest information on social networking sites.

Absorbing such information on social networks has both advantages and disadvantages. In terms of advantages, that information not only provides us with useful advice to help us increase the hormones of happiness. On the other hand, they also reduce our quality of life with more anxiety, fear of missing out, stress, insomnia. So, learn how to get rid of Internet addiction. Set your time limits online and build yourself the habit of only checking your device when you need it, and after a while you’ll be amazed that you’re freed up so much time.

5.3 Give your brain a workout

Use technology to make your life faster, lighter and more convenient, but do not rely too much on it, after a long time of use, your brain will freeze. When you need to calculate simple numbers, use your brain instead of just using a computer.

Your daily memorization will help stimulate your brain more and avoid using technical devices for simple things. In fact, the brain is like a type of muscle that can be exercised.

5.4 Learn to say no and go slower

You are always overwhelmed by the extra work listed in your plan, learn to say no and stop filling it, We always tend to engage in work, activities, parties to learn new things or to earn extra money.

Have you ever wondered why life is so stressful. Live a simpler life, consider for yourself which jobs are needed among them and it will move you forward. Cut back on things that increase your speed. Go slow but increase the fun, instead of you being everywhere but not doing anything properly.

5.5 Don’t upgrade or buy more furniture until you really need it

The motto seems difficult to implement in today’s society. We always want to follow trends, innovate items constantly, instead of being like taking care of them, maintaining them until they break down and also reusing them for other purposes. Living minimalist you will feel less deprived of anything, but also save you time, energy and a lot of money.

5.5 Focus on your work

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Never compare yourself to others if you want to live happily. Focus on writing your story and pursuing your own dreams. Do not try to copy the lives of those around you and especially on social networks. Those people don’t care and have nothing to do with you.

5.6 Reduce your superfluous and unnecessary things

Make your place, work schedule and life clear and tidy. Clutter, whether material or spiritual, disturbs your life. Learn to minimize and get rid of your useless and superfluous things, as well as understand what is enough from emotional and material needs.

5.7 Take a walk every day and get close to nature

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To live simply, slowly rather than in nature, you can spend 20 minutes walking every day and be close to nature. There is nothing better than being connected to nature and breathing fresh air from the greenery.

5.8 Feel grateful for what you are and have had

The best thing you can do to get rid of fear is to step back and be grateful for what you have and have. Because maybe you’ve got everything to be happy, maybe the things you think you need to have, sometimes just things to feed your greed. Instead of always wanting more, you need less, but your quality will be rewarded with peace and contentment.

5.9 Appreciate the simple in life

Finally, enjoy the simple joys of life. We always think that joy is only when we buy a new house, a new car or get a raise,… In fact, just small things, even without costing anything, can bring us joy. It could be a conversation with a close friend, or eating something you like. Joys are everywhere, enjoy them – it’s also a way of living a simple life.

Above are the sharing about how to become a minimalist, hope it benefits you, to support your minimalist lifestyle needs Beyours brings interior designs that match your style, especially with wooden bed models, simple wooden clothing racks.

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